Monero Observer Blitz #16 - November 2022

Here’s a recap of what happened this November in the Monero community:
- There were 5 Monero Research Lab meetings in November (1,2,3,4,5)
- The new Seraphis Wallet Workgroup held its first 3 meetings (6,7,8)
- Rucknium published a public version of the ‘Fully Specified Estimation Plan for OSPEAD’ document (9)
- binarybaron completed the second milestone for the XMR-BTC atomic swap desktop GUI CCS proposal (10)
- selsta posted a Monero dev report for October 2022 (11)
- jeffro256 posted a dev update for Ocober 2022 (12)
- MyMonero for Mobile v1.3.9 and MyMonero Desktop v1.3.4 were released (13)
- LocalMonero/AgoraDesk mobile apps versions 1.0.31-1.0.37 were released (14,15)
- rehrar released multiple Stack Wallet versions (1.5.14-1.5.22), including the first Desktop version (1.5.19) (16,17,18,19)
- The MCW video channel uploaded Justin Berman’s Seraphis/Jamtis and Amir Taaki’s DarkFi MoneroKon22 talks (20)
- hinto-janaiyo released monero-bash v1.9.5 and Gupax v0.5.0 (21,22)
- ANONERO released ANON v0.2.1-0.3.1 (23,24)
- mj-xmr released SolOptXMR v0.4-rc1/0.4-rc2 & v0.4/0.4.1 with ‘security fixes’ (25,26)
- Cake Labs released Cake Wallet v4.5.0/4.5.1 and v1.2.0/1.2.1 (27,28)
- Gingeropolous posted a new progress report for their Research Computing Upgrade CCS proposal (29)
- MAGIC Monero Fund launched a new open-source crowdfunding platform (30)
- MyNero Wallet v0.4.0 was released with I2P and seed offset support (31)
- shermand100 was looking for PiNodeXMR contributors (32)
- duggavo released MoneroBlock v0.1.2 (33)
- spirobel open sourced his Monero Discourse Subscriptions plugin code (34)
- According to noot’s latest dev update, the initial mainnet release for her ETH-XMR atomic swaps could be ready ‘in the next month or two’ (35)
- SChernykh released P2Pool v2.6 (36)
- The Farcaster Project released Farcaster Node v0.4.0 (37)
- plowsof submitted a CCS proposal to get the Bulletproofs++ paper peer-reviewed (38)
- j-berman’s CCS proposal to continue working full-time on Monero for 3 months was fully funded (39,40)
- ajs-xmr submited a CCS proposal to fund MoneroKon 2023 (41)
- selsta’s new CCS proposal for 3 more months of part-time Monero dev work until end of January 2023 was fully funded (42,43)
- sausagenoods submitted a CCS proposal to create the Metronero XMR checkout system (44)
- Panda submitted a CCS proposal to create Monero paper wallet designs (45)
- LefterisJP canceled their CCS proposal to integrate Monero into Rotki (46)
- The Monero Moon and monero-bash CCS proposals were closed (47)
- hinto-janaiyo’s Gupax CCS proposal was fully funded (48)
- lescuer97 submitted a CCS proposal to continue developing the xmr-btc-swap project (49)
- NotMtth submitted a CCS proposal to create CypherPunk Radio (50)
- plowsof’s CCS coordinator proposal was fully funded (51)
- MoneroBro submitted a CCS proposal to develop the Monero.Shopping project (52)
- Forgotsudo’s Merkato and mrcyjanek’s XMR payment processor CCS proposals were closed (53)
- rayatina submitted a CCS proposal to maintain Monero source code archive in ‘Libre Library’ (54)
- There were 2 MoneroKon 2023 Planning Meetings in November (55,56)
- Two Community Workgroup Meetings took place on the 5th and 19th (57,58)
- P2Pool’s hashrate reached a new all-time high (59)
- Mochi101-Official sold the gambling website to WildAndFreeXMR (60)
- The community was looking for consensus on ‘official’ Monero color scheme (61)
- rottenwheel published 4 Revuo Monero issues (#144-#147) (62,63,64,65)
- The Monero CLI & GUI wallets were included in ‘first’ I2P-based Live OS (66)
- Cake/Vik Sharma took over ErCiccione’s responsibilities after he left the Haveno ‘Core Team’ (67)
- spirobel announced a new Monero remote worker site for Afghans (68)
- sech1 started hosting a new Monero blockchain explorer (69)
- Void Linux updated the Monero wallet packages to v0.18.1.2 (70)
- AnarkioCrypto was looking for a team to ‘take over’ Bitejo marketplace (71)
- Payment processor BitcartCC added Monero support (72)
- Monero Talk interviewed Janice McAfee (73)
- MoneroSupplies shop added a ‘Digital items’ section (74)
- Monero celebrated 3 years of RandomX on November 30 (75)
Community Messages (10/52)
- [AFH] I do illustration work, book covers, logos, conceptual art, and other design work (by PhiloAmandus) (76)
- [AFH] Web development (custom dev or Wordpress), scripting, graphics & articles (by AnarkioCrypto) (77)
- [ANN] MoneroKon2023: Call of Presentations is Live! Deadline: 3 Apr 2023 @ 00:00 UTC /w Notice of Acceptance by 18 Apr 2023 (by MoneroKon) (78)
- [ANN] Please help the people of Iran (by Sara) (79)
- [ANN] Monerochan Merchant RPC: New tool to accept Monero at your ecommerce business (by spirobel) (80)
- [ANN] [Warning] Incoming payments can confirmed but locked on protocol level forever (by MajesticLabs) (81)
- [LTH] Two people that can read and write well on Russian and Hindi to translate (by CryptoMorpheus_) (82)
- [WTB] [$100-500] Gold, silver, and platinum for Monero (by WelderSpecial9466) (83)
- [WTB] 1oz XMR Silver Coins (by CYANE431) (84)
- [WTS] [$59-99 XMR] BusKill ‘Dead Man Switches’ (open-source hardware) (by maltfield) (85)
My personal contributions
- Daily
- As needed/On demand
- updated reports, listed 52 Community Messages and 13 Calendar events (90,91) & added 15 new Resources (92)
- published Meeting summary: Seraphis Wallet Workgroup, 14 November 2022 (93) and uploaded 12 meeting logs (MRL 2022-11-02, MRL 2022-11-09, MRL 2022-11-16, MRL 2022-11-23, MRL 2022-11-30, Community 2022-11-05, Community 2022-11-19, MoneroKon23 2022-11-12, Monerokon23 2022-11-26, Seraphis 2022-11-14, Seraphis 2022-11-21, Seraphis 2022-11-28) (94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105)
- created 3 new RSS feeds (106)
- minor layout fixes (full list of updates and improvements can be viewed on the Changelog page (107)
- Weekly
- (SUN) published 4 Monero Dev Activity Reports (Weeks: 44/45/46/47, 2022) (108,109,110,111)
- (MON) published 4 Cypherpunk Transmission Reports (CT-004: GPG encrypted communication, CT-005: Contributing to Monero anonymously, CT-006: Setting up a public Onion Service, CT-007: Monero view-only wallets) (112,113,114,115)
- (SAT) published 4 MO Artistic Saturday Top 5 reports (Weeks: 44/45/46/47, 2022) (116,117,118,119)
- Monthly
- published MO Blitz Report: #15 (October 2022) (120)
Credits/special thanks to:
- everyone that reported broken links, suggested edits, sent anonymous news tips and shared my reports
- the cypherpunks for their encrypted emails and XMPP (OMEMO) messages
- gnuteardrops from Monero.Graphics for consistently delivering amazing art, pro bono publico
- plowsof for the consistent news pings
- all anon MO loyal readers and generous CCS contributors
- hard working people that keep building and maintaining cool stuff for the Monero community
That’s it for the 16th edition of Monero Observer Blitz.
Previous editions can be found on the /tag/blitz page.
Let me know if this was helpful, thanks for reading!