Monero Observer Blitz #20 - March 2023

Here’s a recap of what happened this March in the Monero community:
- Rucknium: ‘Monero transaction confirmations are now 60 seconds faster’ (1)
- ‘Monero Punks’ inscribed the first-ever NFT collection on Monero, devs responded by merging PR to limit max size of ‘tx_extra’ (2,3)
- P2Pool’s March 18 hard fork was successful (4)
- Monero v0.18.2.0 ‘Fluorine Fermi’ was released, v0.18.2.1 delayed after it was tagged (5,6)
- binaryFate published a new Monero General Fund transparency report (7)
- There were 5 Monero Research Lab meetings in March (8,9,10,11,12)
- The Seraphis Wallet Workgroup held 4 meetings (13,14,15,16)
- CypherStack completed a partial code audit of Serai DEX and reported no ‘findings of particular immediate concern’ (17)
- tobtoht released Feather Wallet version 2.4.3 & v2.4.4 with several fixes and improvements (18,19)
- expiredhotdog released a ‘pure-Rust’ implementation of RingCT (20)
- selsta posted a Monero dev report for February 2023 (21)
- Cake Wallet/ v4.6.0/v1.3.0 & v4.6.1/v1.3.1 were released with Trocador support and several fixes and improvements (22,23)
- LocalMonero/AgoraDesk mobile apps versions 1.0.66-1.0.70 were released with several bug fixes and improvements (24,25,26,27)
- busyboredom released AcceptXMR v0.12.0 (28)
- hinto-janai released Gupax v1.2.0 & monero-bash v1.9.8 (29,30)
- CryptoGrampy released PocketNode v0.4.0-alpha (31)
- ANONERO released ANON v0.4 with several new features (32)
- XMRig v6.19.1 was released with several bug fixes (33)
- rehrar released new Stack Duo BTC/XMR only wallet, and Stack Wallet versions 1.5.47-1.6.7 (34,35,36,37,38)
- pokkst rebranded MyNero to ‘Mysu Wallet’ with the v0.4.2.1 release (39)
- SChernykh released P2Pool v3.2 with support for UPnP port forwarding (40)
- The project was seeking an additional $36K to develop its own Monero SDK for Android (41)
- plowsof posted the final CCS coordinator progress report (42)
- CM-IV submitted a CCS proposal to develop the ‘Oceanus Enterprise Resource Planning’ B2B XMR software (43)
- v1docq47 submitted a new CCS proposal for 6 months (May-October 2023) of Russian voice-over and transcription work (44)
- The Bulletproofs++ paper peer-review CCS proposal was put on hold after it was fully funded (45)
- busyboredom’s ‘Standalone AcceptXMR’ CCS proposal was fully funded in ~10 days (46,47)
- Lovera submitted a CCS progress report for February 2023 (48)
- Isthmus cancelled his CCS proposal to do ‘computational work for OSPEAD parameterization’ (49)
- Fierfek submitted a CCS proposal to advertise XMR and MoneroTopia in Mexico City (50)
- BigmenPixel submitted a proposal to ‘verify’ and maintain the Monero GUI flatpak package for 1 more year, but the CCS was put ‘on hold’ due to ‘technical difficulties’ (51)
- UkoeHB submitted a new CCS proposal for Seraphis ‘ongoing support’ (52)
- Community Workgroup Meetings took place on the 11th and 25th (53,54)
- There were 4 MoneroKon 2023 Planning Meetings in March (55,56,57,58)
- AnarkioCrypto launched ‘Kuno Fundraisers’ beta and open sourced the code (59)
- rottenwheel published Revuo Monero issues #161-165 (60,61,62,63,64)
- Monero Talk interviewed LocalMonero co-founder Alex, Sethforprivacy, Nick Watts, and Justin Ehrenhofer (65,66,67,68)
- temporarily delisted the MajesticBank exchange (69)
- Mental Outlaw announced the launch of his ‘’ XMR online store (70)
- LocalMonero published The Monero Standard issues #43-47 (71,72,73,74,75)
- Cake Labs launched ‘The Monero Minute’ short news show (76)
Community Messages (10/50)
- [ANN] Audit of XMR reserves on April 18th - Mone(ro)Run (by MoneroFox) (77)
- [ANN] ETH-XMR swaps update: the project is very close to a beta (mainnet) release (by elizabethereum) (78)
- [ANN] Monerochan Plushy launches tomorrow 4:00pm UTC (by monerobull) (79)
- [ANN] Hey all, I plan to disband the Monero Space LLC entity (by sgp) (80)
- [AFH] [$5] Monero Philosopher Service (by ZincModern) (81)
- [AFH] Website/Desktop/Mobile App User Interface (UI/UX) design (by Ashvrin) (82)
- [LTH] [$100] Translators (Bulgarian, Finnish, Chinese, Indonesian, Malay, Thay, Korean) (by Trocador_App) (83)
- [LTH] Someone very familiar with C# & Avalonia (by martinold) (84)
- [WTS] Farmer-direct products with Monero, I’ve found farmers in: TN, TX, OH, ID, MO, AR, NorCal, SoCal, SC, IA, CO, Netherlands, Canada, Cuba (by DrunkDialMe_) (85)
- [WTS] [$230] 10 oz Silver Bullion from (by monerosilver) (86)
My personal contributions
- Daily
- As needed/On demand
- updated reports, listed 50 Community Messages and 16 Calendar events (91,92) & added 11 new Resources (93)
- published 2 Meeting summaries: MRL 1 & 8 March 2023 (94,95) and uploaded 15 meeting logs (MRL 2023-03-01, MRL 2023-03-08, MRL 2023-03-15, MRL 2023-03-22, MRL 2023-03-29, Community 2023-03-11, Community 2023-03-25, MoneroKon23 2023-03-04, Monerokon23 2023-03-11, Monerokon23 2023-03-18, Monerokon23 2023-03-25, Seraphis 2023-03-06, Seraphis 2023-03-13, Seraphis 2023-03-20, Seraphis 2023-03-27) (96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110)
- (Bi)Weekly
- Monthly
- published MO Blitz Report: #19 (February 2023) (121)
Credits/special thanks to:
- everyone that reported broken links, suggested edits, sent anonymous news tips and shared my reports
- the cypherpunks for their encrypted emails and XMPP (OMEMO) messages
- gnuteardrops from Monero.Graphics for the amazing art
- all anon MO loyal readers and generous CCS contributors
- hard working people that keep building and maintaining cool stuff for the Monero community
That’s it for the 20th edition of Monero Observer Blitz.
Previous editions can be found on the /tag/blitz page.
Let me know if this was helpful, thanks for reading!