7 Mar 2023 [culture]

Monero Talk interviews LocalMonero co-founder Alex

In this Monero Talk episode12, Douglas Tuman3 interviews LocalMonero and AgoraDesk4 co-founder Alex5:

[..] for now at least, we don’t face the same compliance costs. Now, that may change in the future of course, and if that does change in the future, well, we’re probably also gonna have to shut down .. (Alex @ 00:45)

Several topics are discussed in this interview, including the bear market, crypto regulations, the shutdown of LocalBitcoins, and LocalMonero’s future.

  1. https://redirect.invidious.io/b8doqAedR6A/ (video) 

  2. https://www.monerotalk.live/why-localbitcoins-shutdown-and-how-to-use-localmonero-with-its-co-founder-alex (audio) 

  3. https://nitter.net/DouglasTuman/ 

  4. https://localmonero.co/, https://agoradesk.com/ 

  5. https://r.nf/user/Alex_LocalMonero/