Monero Observer Blitz #28 - March 2024

Here’s a recap of what happened this March in the Monero community:
- Monero experienced a suspiciously high transaction volume for the better part of the month, pointing to a potential ‘black marble’ attack (1,2)
- Monero v0.18.3.2 ‘Fluorine Fermi’ was released and v0.18.3.3 was tagged (3)
- Anons donated several hundred XMR (~50K USD) to the Monero General Fund (4)
- There were 4 Monero Research Lab meetings in March (5,6,7,8)
- The Seraphis Wallet Workgroup held 4 meetings (9,10,11,12)
- LocalMonero/AgoraDesk versions 1.1.21-1.1.27 were released with bug fixes and various improvements (13,14,15,16,17)
- jeffro256 posted a Monero dev report for February 2024 (18)
- selsta posted a Monero dev report for February 2024 (19)
- rehrar released Stack Wallet v1.10.2 with various fixes and updates (20)
- ANONERO released ANON versions 0.9.3/0.9.4 (21)
- Cake Labs released Cake Wallet/ versions 4.14.1-4.15.3/1.11.1-1.12.1 (22,23,24)
- tobtoht released Feather Wallet v2.6.4/2.6.5 (25,26)
- woodser released monero-cpp v0.8.7, monero-java v0.8.11-0.8.15, and monero-ts v0.9.7 (27,28)
- hinto-janai posted the first progress report for their Cuprate CCS proposal (29)
- tobtoht posted a CCS progress report after 240 hours of dev work (30)
- BTCPay Server enabled ‘Zero Confirmation’ default option for XMR thanks to HennyH (31)
- Haveno versions 0.0.19/0.0.20 were released with various improvements and fixes (32,33)
- m2049r released Monerujo v3.3.11 ‘Argentina’ (34)
- hinto-janai releases Gupax v1.3.6 (35)
- XMRig v6.21.2 was released with various bug fixes (36)
- 0xFFFC posted a Monero dev report for March 2024 (37)
- detherminal released libmonero v0.1.9 (38)
- MrCyjaneK submitted a CCS proposal to continue developing ‘Unnamed Monero Wallet’ for 3 months (39)
- Boog900’s ‘Cuprate’ dev work CCS proposal was fully funded (40)
- pndxmr proposed a bounty for Monero DSA research (41)
- jeffro256’s Monero/Seraphis dev work CCS proposal was fully funded (42)
- Anon proposed a bounty for a XMR-LTC atomic swap ‘plugin’ (43)
- 0xFFFC decided to indefinitely ‘pause’ their recently submitted Monero dev work CCS proposal (44)
- Haveno allocated 9.25 XMR to core and library development (45)
- plowsof submitted a new proposal to continue working as CCS coordinator for 3 months (46)
- Rucknium submitted a CCS proposal to conduct statistical research to improve Monero’s privacy (47)
- rehrar submitted a CCS proposal to get the Seraphis paper reviewed by CypherStack (48)
- DangerousFreedom1984 submitted a CCS proposal for 12 weeks of Seraphis wallet dev work (49)
- J0J0XMR proposed a bounty for adding ‘Polyseed’ support to Monerujo (50)
- Three Community Workgroup Meetings took place on the 2nd, 16th & 30th (51,52,53)
- There were 4 MoneroKon 2024 Planning Meetings in March (54,55,56,57)
- LocalMonero published The Monero Standard issues #96-99 (58,59,60,61)
- Monero Talk interviewed Blake Lovewell and return guest ‘DoingFedTime’ (62,63)
- plowsof posted the final progress report for their third CCS coordinator term (64)
Community Messages (5/35)
- [ANN] I built a website to let you pay for AI services with XMR (by TRWNBS) (65)
- [ANN] Public audit of XMR reserves on April 18th - Mone(ro)Run (by MoneroFox) (66)
- [ANN] [Final version] Bulletproofs++ review by Cypher Stack (by rehrar) (67)
- [ANN] Research: March 2024 Suspected Black Marble Flooding Against Monero: Privacy, User Experience, and Countermeasures (by Rucknium) (68)
- [LTH] [$2K] Laravel, Front-end and backend dev (by xalistarx) (69)
My personal contributions
+73/+35 Reports/Community Messages
+5/+5 Dev/Art reports
+15 Meeting logs
+14 Calendar events
+5 Resources
- Daily
- As needed/On demand
- updated reports, listed 35 Community Messages and 14 Calendar events (74,75), added 5 new Resources (76)
- uploaded 15 meeting logs (MRL 2024-03-06, MRL 2024-03-13, MRL 2024-03-20, MRL 2024-03-27, Community 2024-03-02, Community 2024-03-16, Community 2024-03-30, MoneroKon24 2024-03-02, Monerokon24 2024-03-09, Monerokon24 2024-03-16, Monerokon24 2024-03-30, Seraphis 2024-03-04, Seraphis 2024-03-11, Seraphis 2024-03-18, Seraphis 2024-03-25 (77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92)
- Weekly
- Monthly
- published MO Blitz Report: #27 (February 2024) (103)
Credits/special thanks to:
- everyone that suggested edits, sent anonymous news tips and shared my reports
- the cypherpunks for their encrypted emails / XMPP (OMEMO) messages
- all anon MO loyal readers and generous contributors
- gnuteardrops from for providing the cool graphics
- plowsof for the sensible pings
- hard working people that keep building and maintaining cool stuff for the Monero community
That’s it for the 28th edition of Monero Observer Blitz.
Previous editions can be found on the /tag/blitz page.
Let me know if this was helpful, thanks for reading!