6 Mar 2024 | Updated 25 Jul 2024 [events] [pinned]

Daily Monero transactions reach new ATH with over 100K confirmed

Daily Monero transactions have reached a new all-time high today with over 100K confirmed, according to the bitinfocharts.com XMR historical chart1.

The surge in transaction volume started ~48 hours ago and was briefly discussed during today’s MRL meeting2, as it might potentially be a spam attack.

It is worth noting that the average XMR transaction fee is currently trending towards its all-time low3.

The previous XMR daily transactions record of 61,305 was recorded on the 13th of August 2022, as reported4.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated if/when new information is available.

Update 24/3/27: the suspected spam attack is subsiding5.

Update 24/4/1: added a link to MRL#119 for future reference6.

Update 24/7/25: ‘AntiDarknet’ collective claimed responsibility for the spam attack7.