Monero Observer Blitz #25 - December 2023

Here’s a recap of what happened this December in the Monero community:
- Anon donated ~2696 XMR to the Monero General Fund (1)
- The Community Crowdfunding System was ‘restarted’ with luigi1111 as escrow until March 31 2024 (2)
- OKX announced plans to delist XMR spot trading pairs on January 5 2024 (3)
- There were 4 Monero Research Lab meetings in December (4,5,6,7)
- The Seraphis Wallet Workgroup held 3 meetings (8,9,10)
- selsta posted a Monero dev update for November 2023 (11)
- jeffro256 posted a Monero dev update for December 2023 (12)
- tobtoht released Feather Wallet versions 2.6.0/2.6.1 with support for airgapped signing with animated QR codes (13,14)
- m2049r released Monerujo v3.3.10 ‘Argentina’ (15)
- ANONERO released ANON v0.9.2 with UX improvements for airgapped transactions (16)
- pokkst released Mysu Wallet versions 0.4.6-0.5.7 (17,18)
- Cake Wallet/ versions 4.11.0/1.8.0 & 4.12.1/1.9.0 were released with Polyseed support and Polygon (MATIC) integration (19,20)
- Haveno v0.0.16 was released with various fixes and improvements (21)
- rehrar released Stack Wallet v1.8.2 with various bug fixes (22)
- Unkn8wn69 created psst - a ‘Polyseed Secret Sharing Tool’ for Monero (23)
- 6 CCS proposals were moved to the funding stage: DangerousFreedom, escapethe3RA, j-berman, jeffro256, kayabaNerve, plowsof (24)
- j-berman submitted a CCS proposal to work full-time on Monero and Seraphis for 3 months (25)
- plowsof submitted a proposal to test the new CCS wallet (26)
- v1docq47’s latest CCS proposal for Russian voice-over and transcription work was moved to the funding stage (27)
- selsta’s November 2023 - January 2024 Monero dev work CCS proposal was fully funded (28)
- ErCiccione closed their CCS proposal (29)
- Abnon253 proposed a bounty for the Arabic translation of Monerujo (30)
- Three Community Workgroup Meetings took place on the 2nd, 9th & 23rd (31,32,33)
- There were 4 MoneroKon 2024 Planning Meetings in December (34,35,36,37)
- Monero Talk interviewed Michael Ten, François-Xavier Wicht, Ragnar Lifthrasir, and Juraj Bednar (38,39,40,41)
- LocalMonero published The Monero Standard issues #83-86 (42,43,44,45)
Community Messages (10/35)
- [AFH] Electrical engineer: custom electronic circuits (by IslandEscape) (46)
- [ANN] MoneroPHP library update (by recanman) (47)
- [ANN] Douglas Tuman CCS ~2-year update (by DouglasTuman) (48)
- [ANN] Libereco Mono - A New Monero Blog (by squ3aky) (49)
- [ANN] ‘The Monero Standard’ now available on Barnes & Noble! (by MoneroBook) (50)
- [LFF] Looking for funding for XMPP server (by monerobros) (51)
- [LTT] P2P exchange, sell XMR for BTC/LTC/DOGE. 0.5% fee (trusted localmonero/agoradesk trader) (by deckardrick) (52)
- [WTS] [US] [100+ USD] Wifi pineapple nano v1 with battery (by foojay) (53)
- [WTS] [1K USD] Anti interceptor (IMSI-catcher/Stingray) phone (by Tessa) (54)
- [WTS] [12-115 EUR] IntelTechniques e-books available at (by dys2p_official) (55)
My personal contributions
+54/+35 Reports/Community Messages
+5/+5 Dev/Art reports
+13 Meeting logs
+13 Calendar events
+2 Resources
- Daily
- As needed/On demand
- updated reports, listed 35 Community Messages and 13 Calendar events (60,61), added 2 new Resources (62)
- uploaded 13 meeting logs (MRL 2023-12-06, MRL 2023-12-13, MRL 2023-12-20, MRL 2023-12-27, Community 2023-12-02, Community 2023-12-09, Community 2023-12-23, MoneroKon24 2023-12-09, Monerokon24 2023-12-16, Monerokon24 2023-12-23, Seraphis 2023-12-04, Seraphis 2023-12-11, Seraphis 2023-12-18 (63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75)
- Weekly
- Monthly
- published MO Blitz Report: #24 (November 2023) (86)
Credits/special thanks to:
- everyone that reported broken links, suggested edits, sent anonymous news tips and shared my reports
- the cypherpunks for their encrypted emails / XMPP (OMEMO) messages
- all anon MO loyal readers and generous contributors
- hard working people that keep building and maintaining cool stuff for the Monero community
That’s it for the 25th edition of Monero Observer Blitz.
Previous editions can be found on the /tag/blitz page.
Let me know if this was helpful, thanks for reading!
PS: the MO 2023 Q4 CCS proposal was fully funded, thank you for the continued support!