3 Dec 2023 [wallets]

pokkst releases Mysu Wallet v0.4.6

pokkst1 has released version 0.4.62 ( on F-Droid3) of Mysu Wallet4 with several improvements (and fixes):

just wanted to let you guys know Mysu 0.4.6 is now available on the Mysu website, via I2P torrent, and via F-Droid (i will upload to Gitea repo soon)5

Changes overview

- Added support for editing address labels
- Wallet sync progress bar is larger, now displays block heights
- Wallet creation screen now has toggle to disable Monerochan
F-Droid beta (v0.4.7.1):
- Transaction screen redesign. Now auto-updates as well.
- Tx builder fee calculation fixes (thanks to Monero C++ bug fixes)
- Wallet balance now displays immediately once synced [..]
- Better IPv6 address handling in node settings [..]

Consult changelog.txt6 for the complete list of changes.

To support the project you can donate XMR to the address listed in the footer of the website4.

Note that Mysu is still in early development. The project’s Github repository7 is no longer maintained8, as pokkst decided to move the source code to I2P9.

  1. (XMPP w/OMEMO) pokkst at xmpp dot is 

  2. (onion) http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/download/ 

  3. http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/fdroid/repo/ 

  4. (onion) http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion, (eepsite) http://mysu.i2p/  2

  5. https://monero.town/post/1285697 

  6. (onion) http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/changelog.txt 

  7. https://github.com/pokkst/monero-wallet/ 

  8. https://github.com/pokkst/monero-wallet/commit/eb070811c9c5ac93d6040758a465cc7037fb117e/ 

  9. http://4hsesnr6mjb4qrflgf5gezjaszzoqnnisin7ywzbsv6pgcxysiaq.b32.i2p/pokkst/mysu