10 Dec 2023 [wallets]

pokkst releases Mysu Wallet v0.5.7

pokkst1 has released version 0.5.72 of Mysu Wallet3 with several improvements and bug fixes.

Changes overview

* UI now has animations
* "Occasional Donation" percentage range has been changed from 0.5%-1.5% to 0.5%-3.0%
* Multiple bug fixes regarding proxy handling and connection retry UI toasts
+ Added built-in Tor client
+ Added polyseed mnemonic support [..]

Consult changelog.txt4 for the complete list of changes.

To support the project you can donate XMR to the address listed in the footer of the website3.

Note that Mysu is still in early development. The project’s Github repository is no longer maintained5, as pokkst decided to move the source code to I2P6.

  1. (XMPP w/OMEMO) pokkst at xmpp dot is 

  2. (onion) http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/download/, http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/fdroid/repo/ (F-droid) 

  3. (onion) http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion, (eepsite) http://mysu.i2p/  2

  4. (onion) http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/changelog.txt 

  5. https://github.com/pokkst/monero-wallet/commit/eb070811c9c5ac93d6040758a465cc7037fb117e/ 

  6. http://4hsesnr6mjb4qrflgf5gezjaszzoqnnisin7ywzbsv6pgcxysiaq.b32.i2p/pokkst/mysu