Rucknium submits CCS proposal to conduct statistical research to improve Monero's privacy
Rucknium1 has submitted a CCS proposal2 looking to carry out statistical research to improve Monero’s privacy in aftermath of the suspected flood attack3:
I propose to carry out statistical research to improve Monero’s privacy, guide protocol decisions, and respond to Monero developer requests for statistical analysis of code changes where needed. [..] In the short them, analysis of the suspected flood attack is a higher priority. After, I will put hours into finishing the OSPEAD CCS proposal. Then after OSPEAD I will return to putting hours into this CCS proposal.
Proposed funding: 204 XMR.
ETA: ~3 months (13 weeks).
Tasks overview
- short term (this CCS):
- complete in-progress analysis of the suspected transaction spam attack
- produce a Monero Research Lab research bulletin from the draft [monero-black-marble-flood.pdf]4
- work with ArticMine to evaluate changes to ring size, fees, and block size scaling parameters to balance privacy, usability, and decentralization
- other research priorities (TBD):
- PocketChange privacy evaluation
- Ring member binning
- Fee discretization and fee prediction
- Safety of adjusting the 10 block lock
- Preparation of a paper describing OSPEAD for peer review and research journal publication
- EAE/EABE attack and churning
- Network privacy through steganography
Rucknium is an empirical microeconomist and a consistent Monero contributor. Consult previous Monero Observer reports to learn more about their work5’6’7’8’9’10.
To share your feedback, ask questions and support this proposal, consult !4392.
This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.
Update 24/4/10: moved to funding stage11.
Update 24/4/12: fully funded (68 XMR contributed from GF12).
Update 24/10/11: M1 completed13.
Update 25/2/19: M2 completed14.
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