Moneranoj celebrate a decade of Monero today

The community is celebrating Monero’s 10th anniversary today with the conclusion of the third traditional Mone(ro)Run1 event:
Thank you to everyone who has been adamant, persistent in the last period and finally today (April 18th UTC) you have all your XMR coins in your wallets and decided to celebrate Monero’s tenth birthday this way. (MoneroFox)
Also today, generous anons fully funded the Monero Observer CCS proposal2 and donated 900 XMR ($105561.00 USD)3 to the Monero General Fund.
2024 is still young, but has already delivered delistings4, spam attacks5, and interesting R&D propspects6 - dare you stick around and get involved7?
Happy X Monero birthday! Onward.
Credit goes to gnuteardrops from for the amazing wallpaper design8; special thanks to the anon that funded the MO CCS eariler today.
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