Meeting summary: Monero Research Lab, 14 September 2022
This is a comprehensive summary, with added reference links, of the MRL meeting1 from September 14th 2022, 1700 UTC.
The raw, unedited, full log file for this meeting:
220914-mrl.log (54 lines)
Note: it is possible that some relevant information may be missing from this summary; read the full log file for the complete, unedited discussion.
Participants: 9 (dangerousfreedom2, one-horse-wagon3, jberman4, rbrunner5, Rucknium6, ajs_7, UkoeHB8, xmrack9, chch300310)
(1) Updates
dangerousfreedom finished scanning the blockchain: bp and clsag era, using his own Rust tools, and is planning to create auditability proofs to seraphis and help develop a minimum useful seraphis wallet13
dangerousfreedom confirmed that no new anomalies turned up while scanning, thanks to Bulletproofs
(1.2) on statistical analysis / OSPEAD14:
Rucknium included the statement: “I consider exploration of ring classification to be out of scope of this OSPEAD CSS.” into a newly added section on classification of rings by Decoy Selection Algorithm.
Rucknium announced that the disclosable part of OSPEAD fully specified plan will be released as soon as the MAGIC Monero Fund campaign15 to raise funds for mj-xmr’s C++ work for OSPEAD begins, probably next week
(1.3) on Monero dev work, Seraphis and Jamtis:
jberman was mostly doing dev work for the past week, fixing various bugs16, and is planning to complete background sync mode next and then prepare to dive into Seraphis/Jamtis17 along with rbrunner and dangerousfreedom
rbrunner invited contributors to join the #no-wallet-left-behind:haveno.network18 Seraphis/Jamtis project19 Matrix room
UkoeHB continued their work on the Seraphis library20 legacy integration and a non-multisig working demo could be ready by next week
(1.4) on Monero’s deterministic build process21:
one-horse-wagon was intently looking for ways to increase the number of deterministic builders before a code version is released, but concluded that the process cannot be made any more easier
(1.5) on Monero Konferenco 202322 and MRL recruitment:
ajs_ and a few others started making plans for MoneroKon 2023 and would like to seek technical co-sponsorship with IEEE Computer Society23 in an effort to attract more researchers to the conference and help with MRL recruitment efforts24
(1.6) on Monero research papers:
Rucknium mentioned that xmrack’s Lord of the Rings: An Empirical Analysis of Monero’s Ring Signature Resilience to Artifically Intelligent Attacks (PDF25, report26) MAGIC-funded research paper is making the rounds.
(2) Open discussions
(2.1) on Monero funding systems:
Rucknium explained the need for both the CCS27 and MAGIC Grant’s Monero Fund28 to chch3003
(2.2) on quantum resistance:
one-horse-wagon expressed concerns about the coming era of quantum computers: Big corporations and governments will have them. The MRL will not at least initally.
dangerousfreedom thought that quantum computers are so far from being a threat and proposed exploring the algorithms that are in the final phase of NIST; tevador linked to their Zero-cost post-quantum mitigations for Seraphis29 draft
Let me know if you find this kind of report helpful.
Feedback, edits always welcome @/about.
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