11 Aug 2022 | Updated 20 Sep 2022 [research]

MAGIC Monero Fund starts GoFundMe fundraiser campaign for noot's ETH-XMR atomic swaps project

MAGIC Grants1’s Monero Fund2 has started a GoFundMe fundraiser campaign3 looking to help noot4 continue ETH-XMR atomic swaps5 development for 4 months:

The MAGIC Monero Fund is raising funds for noot to continue development on ETH-XMR atomic swaps. [..] This campaign is being done through the MAGIC Monero Fund, and all donations go to it. Should this proposal fail for any reason, donations will support this Fund.6

Funding goal: $24,000

Proposed work

noot decided7 to close her second CCS proposal a few weeks ago, and go with a MAGIC Monero Fund grant instead.

Visit the GoFundMe3 page to review and support this campaign.

Consult the previous Monero Observer reports891011 to learn more about MAGIC and noot’s work.

Update 22/8/26: BeldexCoin donated 13.121 XMR (~$2019) to the campaign12.

Update 22/9/20: fully funded13.

  1. https://magicgrants.org/ 

  2. https://magicgrants.org/funds/monero/ 

  3. https://www.gofundme.com/f/noot-ethxmr-atomic-swap-development-4-months  2

  4. https://github.com/noot 

  5. https://github.com/noot/atomic-swap 

  6. https://magicgrants.org/noot-ETH-XMR-Atomic-Swaps/ 

  7. https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/331#note_18019 

  8. /jehrenhofer-announces-magic-grants-monero-fund/ 

  9. /noot-second-eth-xmr-atomic-swap-css-proposal/ 

  10. /noot-completes-final-ui-milestone-eth-xmr-atomic-swaps-ccs-proposal/ 

  11. /noot-executes-first-ever-mainnet-xmr-eth-atomic-swap-arbitrum-wins-bounty/ 

  12. https://nitter.net/MagicGrants/status/1563158260202344449#m 

  13. /noot-eth-xmr-atomic-swap-gofundme-campaign-fully-funded/