8 Aug 2024 | Updated 10 Aug 2024 [research] [dev]

Rucknium releases 'Monero Stressnet Node' v251. in preparation for August 10 testnet hardfork

Rucknium1 has released Monero Stressnet Node2 version in preparation for the next testnet hardfork at block height 2557352:

This release is incompatible with previous releases. It will hardfork anew from testnet at height 2557352 (about August 10 2024 12:00 UTC).

Changes overview

Raise default outgoing connections limit from 12 to 24 by @Rucknium
Seed nodes for new stressnet by @Rucknium
Bump major version to 251 for new stressnet by @Rucknium
New stressnet: Forking off testnet at about August 10 2024 12:00 UTC by @Rucknium
Revert "checkpoints.cpp: recent checkpoint for stressnet" by @Rucknium
p2p: stressnet tor & i2p seed nodes by @nahuhh
cryptonote: sync batches instead of single blocks by @nahuhh [..]

It is worth mentioning that nahuhh (ofrnxmr) made their first contribution in PR #234. The full changelog is available on Github5.

Consult the previous Monero Observer reports6 and join the #monero-stressnet channels7 to learn more and get involved with the project.

Note that the anonymity set of running a node on this stressnet will be in the dozens at best. If you have an extreme threat model, this may be an unacceptable risk for you.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

Update: spackle-xmr posted a stressnet progress report8.