moneroguides submits CCS proposal to produce 'Getting to grips with Monero' mini video series
moneroguides1 has submitted a CCS proposal2 to produce a Getting to grips with Monero mini video series:
The mini series/playlist we propose to curate will contain 4 videos, each of varying length and on different subjects. They are: Importing public keys and verifying hashes, Setting up your own node, Using Monero as money and Using Monero with enhanced privacy.
After some careful consideration we’ve decided to put together a proposal for the CCS. We now believe that this is probably the best method for garnering both community support and input.
moneroguides has also proposed a bounty3 for the same project earlier this month, and the requested CCS funding was adjusted to take that into account:
The amount we’re asking for is reflected by a rate of $25/h less ~1XMR for what we have already raised through our bounties proposal.
Anyone can still attempt to claim that bounty at this point.
Total funding proposed: 12 XMR.
ETA (period): 6 weeks.
To share your feedback, ask questions and support this proposal, consult !2712.
Update: added quote to clarify the bounty-adjusted rate.
Update 21/12/23: proposal ready for funding4.
Update 22/1/26: delayed until March 1st5.
Update: 22/4/23: CCS completed6.
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/moneroguides-getting-to-grips-with-monero-ccs-proposal-delayed-march/ ↩