Meeting summary: Monero Community Workgroup, 1 May 2022
This is a comprehensive summary, with added reference links, of the Monero Community Workgroup meeting from May 1st 2022, 1700 UTC.
The raw, unedited, full log file for this meeting:
220501-community.log (172 lines)
Note: it is possible that some relevant information may be missing from this summary; read the full log file for the complete, unedited discussion.
Participants: 7 (plowsof1, monerobull2, cryptogrampy3, merope4, w5, Rucknium6, midipoet7)
(1) Community highlights
(1.1) on the upcoming v15 network update8:
plowsof mentioned Sethforprivacy’s hardfork checklist9
monerobull got a reply from Kraken support stating that their developers will keep things up to date [with the upcoming network update]
(1.2) on malicious remote nodes tricking users into paying high fees10:
plowsof mentioned the malicious nodes that were causing trouble with high tx fees, the warning that was added to the Monero GUI wallet11 and the proposed long term fix (list of trusted nodes)
monerobull suggested including a fallback to random nodes
w argued against a fall back to random, citing malicious actors that would try to get on the auto-lists
merope jumped in to suggest taking advantage of the already trusted main seed nodes of the network that are used for bootstrapping the network
plowsof added that Feather wallet also has some list of nodes it performs health checks on
cryptogrampy warned of a potential increase in reliance on the seeds
(1.3) on the latest Monero GUI/CLI releases12:
plowsof reminded everyone to upgrade to the newest version,
(2) CCS Ideas
(2.1) on spirobel’s ‘Monero Afghanistan Expansion Strategy’ proposal13:
monerobull voted against
w expressed their skepticism about how this CCS could help an entire country
cryptogrampy suggested spirobel should reintroduce the proposal in a more palatable way in the future
(2.2) on oeAdgK01’s ‘Translation of Monero GUI Wallet, CLI Wallet, monero-site, Behavioral Finance, Cryptocurrency Markets (subtitles), Moneropedia, User Guides to Greek’ proposal14:
plowsof mentioned the ongoing problem related to the lack of reviewers
monerobull expressed their frustration with the current translation system that essentially renders translations that were already funded entirely worthless
(2.3) on Moneroist’s ‘Patronero - Open Source project for donating by mining’ proposal15:
monerobull voted against, expressing doubts about the practicality of the project: who would ever download a miner to support someone[?]
cryptogrampy suggested that a public api that uses an agreed upon shared database (git repo?) of public addresses people would like to receive donations at would be more useful than a one off mining thing
merope voted against, pointing to the extremely low profitability of mining: unless the donor has a ton of hashrate, it won’t be very useful, and doubted the need for two separate apps which apparently serve the same function
Rucknium chimed in to state that Patronero may cost more in CCS funds than it raises
(2.4) on willk’s ‘Monero business kit’ proposal16:
cryptogrampy found the idea of a an all in one docker deployable web shop very cool but insisted on getting an answer on why it should get community funded / why people need it over existing solutions
w wondered if the proposer had any plans of monetizing the project
monerobull wondered if the requested funding was reasonable: is that worth 100+ xmr[?]
Rucknium stated that the proposal was strongly improved from its initial draft but it should go out and get more engagement
(2.5) on koe’s ‘Seraphis Wallet PoC 2 funding proposal’17:
w, merope, monerobull, plowsof, all voted for
(3) WiP CCS proposals
plowsof mentioned Rucknium’s OSPEAD18 proposal in context of the recently set HF date
Rucknium confirmed that the timeline for OSPEAD is now more clear and the hard fork (and rise of ring size from 11 to 16) should help with the statistical estimation
plowsof has been trying to re-unite funds from the CCS to their rightful owners, looking to see if any of the devs are having issues19
plowsof confirmed that hinto, maintainer of monero-bash20, has been paid out in full after completing all CCS milestones, and all other overdue payment issues were resolved
plowsof stated that m0n3r0d1c3’s (proposer of the Monero casino CCS21) IRC/Matrix connectivity issues should also be resolved soon
midipoet confirmed that they have received half of the funds as a payout and organised flight and hotel for Oslo22
midipoet asked the community what type of educational material they should hand out at the event
(4) Open Ideas
plowsof suggested adding –rpc-access-control-origins=* to a public node config to help the monero-javascript ecosystem
plowsof asked if anyone is interested in podcasting 2.0 using Monero
merope suggested an idea for a potential future CCS proposal about promoting Monero in the UAE
Let me know if you find this type of report helpful. If not, I will redirect time spent on this to other tasks.
Feedback, suggestions and edits always welcome @/about.
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/xmrmfjj2-tricked-paying-exorbitant-19.73-xmr-fee-malicious-remote-node/ ↩
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/monero-gui-v0.17.3.2-oxygen-orion-point-release-p2pool-mining-support/ ↩
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/hinto-janaiyo-releases-monero-bash-v1.5-completes-ccs-proposal/ ↩
/m0n3r0d1c3-submits-ccs-proposal-deploy-monero-dice-casino/ ↩
/midipoet-submits-ccs-proposal-oslo-freedom-forum-attendance/ ↩