hinto-janai submits CCS proposal for 3 months of full-time work on Cuprate's RPC handlers
hinto-janaiyo1 has submitted a new CCS proposal2 looking to continue full-time development work on Cuprate3 for 3 months and focus on the RPC handlers4 and other miscellaneous tasks:
The next section that needs work is the RPC handlers. The design, interface, routing, types, and (de)serialization were completed in my previous CCS [..] This CCS is for the handlers, i.e. the functions that turn requests into responses. Once the handlers are complete, Cuprate will have a working RPC stack that mostly mirrors monerod.
Total funding: 221 XMR ($65 + 0.05 XMR/hr).
ETA: 3 months (480 hours).
- M1: JSON RPC handlers (40% = 88.4 XMR)
- M2: Binary/other RPC handlers (40% = 88.4 XMR)
- M3: Other work (20% = 44.2 XMR)
hinto-janai is the maintainer of Gupax5, monero-bash6, XMRig-Auto-Build7 and monero-toolchain8.
It is worth noting that the dev has recently completed the final milestones for their previous CCS proposal9.
To read the full proposal, share your feedback, ask questions and support this CCS, consult !4842.
This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.
Update 24/8/28: proposal moved to funding stage10.
Update 24/8/31: 73.67 XMR transferred from GF11.
Update 24/9/14: fully funded (25 contributions).
Update 24/11/5: M3 completed12.
Update 24/12/26: CCS (M1+M2) completed13.
https://github.com/hinto-janai/ ↩
https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/484 ↩ ↩2
https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate/issues/244/ ↩
https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/456#note_25676, /hinto-janai-submits-ccs-proposal-continue-full-time-work-cuprate-3-months/ ↩
https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/484#note_26041 ↩
/hinto-janai-completes-third-milestone-cuprate-ccs-proposal/ ↩