11 Aug 2022 | Updated 31 Aug 2022 [wallets]

Cake Wallet, Monero.com, Monerujo and MyMonero ready for v15 HF

The following Monero wallets have released new versions which upgrade to Monero Core v0.181 and support the v15 Monero hardfork2:

Feather Wallet is also ready for the network upgrade. v2.0.0 was released on July 8th, as previously reported7.

Update 22/8/12: Ledger Monero App v1.8.0 is now available. It should work with the latest Monero GUI (version

Update 22/8/13: Monerujo v3.0.29 released (upgrades to Monero Core v0.18.1.0).

Update 22/8/25: Edge and MyMonero wallets are late, but almost ready at this point10.

Update 22/8/31: MyMonero and Edge wallets are now fully compatible with the network upgrade11.