29 May 2023 | Updated 31 May 2023 [wallets]

ANON v0.4.1 updates to Monero

ANONERO1 has released alpha version 0.4.12 of ANON3, the Android-only security and privacy-focused XMR app.

The only change is the important update to Monero, which patches a high severity decoy selection bug4.

Note that the code repository, build instructions, and signed SHA256 hashes are available on the self-hosted Gitea hidden service5.

APK downloads can be found on the onionsite3, eepsite6 and in the associated Telegram channel7.

To support ANONERO’s work, you can donate XMR to the address listed on the project’s sites.

Consult the previous Monero Observer report8 to learn more about the project.

Update: edited links (the old gitea.com repo has been archived and is no longer maintained).