25 Apr 2022 | Updated 19 Aug 2022 [CCS]

UkoeHB submits new CCS proposal to continue working on Seraphis wallet PoC

UkoeHB1 has submitted a second CCS proposal2 to continue working on the Seraphis3 wallet proof-of-concept:

Hi all, I closed out my previous Seraphis Wallet PoC CCS after consuming all the hours. There are additional tasks I would like to work on.

Total funding: 128 XMR (50 USD + 0.2 XMR Rate).

ETA: TBD (16 weeks @ 20hr/wk = 320hrs).

Tasks overview

To learn more about UkoeHB’s work, consult my previous report4.

To share your feedback, ask questions and support this proposal, consult !3142.

Update 22/5/18: moved to funding stage5 (100% funded).

Update 22/7/17: there will be no wallet PoC and the remaining CCS time will be spent finishing the core library, according to UkoeHB’s recent MRL meeting statement6.

Update 22/8/19: work finished, summary available7; new CCS proposal was submitted8.