The following feeds are currently available:
- /feed.xml: default (SLOW!), includes ALL stories/reports/messages/calendar/periodicals.
- /feed-mini.xml: only fetches the most recent <50 items in feed.xml.
- (New) /feed-headlines.xml: only includes the titles from feed.xml.
- /feed-stories.xml: only includes stories and periodicals (no messages).
- (New) /feed-stories-mini.xml: only fetches the most recent <50 items in feed-stories.xml.
On demand
- /feed-messages.xml: only includes on demand MO Community messages.
- /feed-calendar.xml: only includes upcoming Calendar events.
- /feed-ct.xml: only includes the on demand Cypherpunk Transmission reports.
- (New) /feed-summaries.xml: only includes the on demand Meeting Summary reports.
- /feed-dev.xml: only includes the weekly Dev Activity Reports.
- (Inactive) /feed-ta.xml: only includes the weekly MO XMR TA reports.
- /feed-blitz.xml: only includes the monthly MO Blitz reports.
You can subscribe to any or all feeds.
I have created a guide explaining how to read Monero Observer inside your terminal using Newsboat.
Visit the Archive to browse all or to search for something.