22 Sep 2022 [wallets]

pokkst releases MyNero Wallet v0.1.1

pokkst1 has released version 0.1.12 of MyNero Wallet3 with several improvements and bugfixes:

- Adds fee priority selection to send dialog
- Send button is now disabled when balance is 0
- Fix URI scanning issue with "amount" parameter
- [..]

The complete list of changes is available on Github4.

A GPG-signed list of the hashes2 and the signing key5 can be downloaded from the project’s website.

Note: MyNero was only announced a few weeks ago6 and is still in early development.

  1. https://github.com/pokkst/ 

  2. https://github.com/pokkst/monero-wallet/releases/tag/0.1.1/  2

  3. https://mynero.net/ 

  4. https://github.com/pokkst/monero-wallet/compare/0.1.0…0.1.1 

  5. https://mynero.net/pgpkey.asc 

  6. /pokkst-forks-monerujo-wallet/