7 Sep 2022 | Updated 19 Sep 2022 [wallets]

pokkst forks Monerujo wallet codebase

pokkst1 has forked the Monerujo2 Android XMR wallet codebase and started working on a new XMR wallet3:

It’s forked from Monerujo’s codebase, but everything besides the XMR C++ library and a few util classes have been deleted so far [..] it is still heavy work in progress.4

The wallet doesn’t currently have a name and no other details were provided. Inspect the commits5 for more information about the project.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

Update: the wallet name is MyNero6; initial release was announced7.

  1. https://github.com/pokkst 

  2. https://github.com/m2049r/xmrwallet 

  3. https://github.com/pokkst/monero-wallet 

  4. https://nitter.net/pokkst/status/1567430714571751432#m 

  5. https://github.com/pokkst/monero-wallet/commits/main 

  6. https://mynero.net 

  7. /pokkst-releases-mynero-wallet-v0.1.0/