13 Mar 2023 [culture]

Monero Talk interviews Sethforprivacy

In this Monero Talk episode12, Douglas Tuman3 interviews privacy advocate Sethforprivacy4:

[..] obviously we are choosing to focus on Bitcoin-first, because I think this is something that I’m kind of coming to grips with a little bit too, and that network effect that is behind Bitcoin is important [..] but I think there’s definitely an appreciation for Monero, broadly across the team. (Seth @ 11:55)

Several topics are discussed in this interview, including Seth’s new job at Foundation5, strengths and weaknesses of XMR & Zcash, Monero hardware wallets, and zk-SNARKs6.

To learn more about Seth’s work, visit sethforprivacy.com7 and read his latest blog post titled Why I Focus on Bitcoin8.

Monero Talk has previously interviewed Sethforprivacy last year in July9.

  1. https://redirect.invidious.io/0SSzx93vAjI/ (video) 

  2. https://www.monerotalk.live/is-monero-traceable-with-sethforprivacy (audio) 

  3. https://nitter.net/DouglasTuman/ 

  4. https://nitter.net/sethforprivacy/ 

  5. https://foundationdevices.com/ 

  6. https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/100 

  7. https://sethforprivacy.com/about/ 

  8. https://sethforprivacy.com/posts/why-i-focus-on-bitcoin/ 

  9. /monerotalk-giacomo-zucco-sethforprivacy-interview/