13 Jun 2024 [culture]

Cuprate, MIC, Spoke, Walletudo win first ever Monero hackathon

The MoneroKon1 team has announced2 the winners of the first ever Monero hackathon3 earlier today:

Congratulations to the winners of #Monerothon - Monero’s first hackathon

Awards overview

The 48-hour hackathon took place at Paralelni Polis in Prague during the MoneroKon24 event (7-9 June 2024).

It is worth noting that the Monero Community Workgroup has started uploading the conference talks to their video channel8.

Consult the previous Monero Observer report9 to learn more about this story.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

  1. https://monerokon.org/ 

  2. https://farside.link/nitter/MoneroKon/status/1801030093986279492 

  3. https://monerokon.devfolio.co/ 

  4. https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate/pull/155 

  5. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGHdPt7Dww/w9iZZZls46d49bHAdn3A_g/view?utm_content=DAGHdPt7Dww 

  6. /dangerousfreedom1984-submits-ccs-proposal-python-inflation-tools/, https://github.com/DangerousFreedom1984/monero_inflation_checker 

  7. https://github.com/harmhazard/walletudo-pwa 

  8. https://redirect.invidious.io/playlist?list=PLsSYUeVwrHBk-C3zImaDAQLx453PL7dR- 

  9. /monerokon-2024-kicks-off-prague/