11 Jun 2024 [services]

COMIT 'xmr-btc-swap' v0.13.1 released

Version 0.13.11 of COMIT2’s XMR-BTC atomic swap implementation (xmr-btc-swap3) was released:

Changes overview

Add retry logic to monero-wallet-rpc wallet refresh

Downloads are available on the release page1.

Read the Safety4 section of the README.md file before using this tool and join COMIT’s Matrix channel5 if you need help.

Note that COMIT is no longer maintaing the project6. binarybaron, lescuer97 and delta1 are the current maintainers of xmr-btc-swap.

  1. https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap/releases/tag/0.13.1  2

  2. https://comit.network 

  3. https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap 

  4. https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap#safety 

  5. https://matrix.to/#/#comit-monero:matrix.org 

  6. /comit-btc-xmr-atomic-swap-project-looking-maintainers/