25 Jan 2024 | Updated 15 Feb 2024 [wallets]

ANONERO seeks donations ahead of ANON v1.0 release

ANONERO1 is seeking community donations2 to develop and release ANON3 version 1.0 which would also include a new Monero_C library:

v1.0 is in the works, including massive performance and stability improvements, along with a couple of amazing stealth features. We’re asking the community for donations to the effort, which will include a new Monero C lib that can be used by all.

To support the project, you can transfer any XMR amount to the address4 listed on the project’s site.

Consult the previous Monero Observer report5 to learn more about the project.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

Update 24/1/26: a new Kuno fundraiser for 23.23 XMR is now available6.

Update 24/2/15: v1.0 postponed7.