2 Jan 2023 | Updated 4 Jan 2023 [services]

VentiSwap lists XMR/USDT, XMR/ETH swap pairs

VentiSwap1 DEX has just listed2 two Monero swap pairs: XMR/USDT and XMR/ETH.

Just listed on VentiSwap @monero (XMR)! XMR is currently able to be traded with ETH and USDT with further pairings to come!

Note: the service is not Tor-friendly and the platform uses a proprietary algorithm for the cross-chain swaps. Consider using Atomic Swaps/other DEX/P2P exchanges instead, if possible.

Update: Binance is apparently providing all the liquidity on VentiSwap3 (thanks to MoneroFox for pointing that out).

  1. https://ventiswap.com/ 

  2. https://nitter.pussthecat.org/VentiSwap_/status/1609991669923078144#m 

  3. https://nitter.pussthecat.org/VentiSwap_/status/1600597693264695298