12 Oct 2021 [CCS]

v1docq47 posts CCS progress report for August-September 2021

XMR.ru1 mod and Monero contributor v1docq472 has shared his CCS3 progress report4 with the community. This covers his activity for the past two months (August-September 2021):

This is my monthly progress report (CCS.html) + XMR.RU). Below is a list of what has been done and translated into Russian for two months of my work.

He has created video (tutorials and news) for the russian Monero community and translated several documents, including MRL papers, Monero Addresses Cheatsheat, logs from 2 Monero Community Workgroup Meetings and other Monero-related news articles.

A more complete list of v1docq47’s Monero contributions can be found on Trello5 and Weblate6.

  1. https://xmr.ru/members/50/ 

  2. https://github.com/v1docq47 

  3. https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/240 

  4. https://libredd.it/r/Monero/comments/q6plpj/august_september_monthly_report_from_v1docq47_ccs/ 

  5. https://trello.com/b/hrZhLt1J/august-2021-january-2022 

  6. https://translate.getmonero.org/user/v1docq47/#activity