10 Aug 2022 [services]

The Farcaster Project releases Farcaster Node v0.3.0

The Farcaster Project1 has released version 0.3.02 of the Farcaster cross-chain atomic swap node3:

Changes overview

Lws support by @TheCharlatan in #401
Close and delete wallet after sweep by @TheCharlatan in #418
Cli: Fix make command failure reporting by @TheCharlatan in #436
Functionality: Add ability to revoke offers by @TheCharlatan in #463
Cancel swap by @TheCharlatan in #504
Cli: Implement sweep address call by @TheCharlatan in #517
Manual monero sweep by @TheCharlatan in #542

To learn more about the project, consult the previous Monero Observer report4.

Note that the tech is still experimental. Do not try using the software on mainnet or with real money.

  1. https://github.com/farcaster-project 

  2. https://github.com/farcaster-project/farcaster-node/releases/tag/v0.3.0 

  3. https://github.com/farcaster-project/farcaster-node 

  4. /farcaster-node-v0.2.0-ready-testnet-stress-test/