Monero Observer

Everything that moves in the Monero community.

All Stories [2715]

26 Jun 2024 [research]

spackle-xmr publishes first progress report for Monero 'Stressnet' project

26 Jun 2024 [services]

umbrelOS adds Monero support: 'Welcome to the official app store'

26 Jun 2024 | Updated 3 Jul 2024 [calendar]

Monero Research Lab meeting scheduled for 3 July 2024 1700 UTC

26 Jun 2024 | Updated 2 Jul 2024 [calendar]

Cuprate Meeting scheduled for 2 July 2024 1800 UTC

25 Jun 2024 [services]

Haveno v1.0.8 released with Tails support

24 Jun 2024 | Updated 29 Jun 2024 [CCS]

jeffro256, rottenwheel CCS proposals ready for funding

24 Jun 2024 [services]

nahuhh releases 'basicswap-bash' v0.13.4

24 Jun 2024 | Updated 1 Jul 2024 [calendar]

Seraphis Wallet Workgroup meeting scheduled for 1 July 2024 1800 UTC