SNeedlewoods submits CCS proposal for 1 month of part-time Monero dev work
SNeedlewoods1 has submitted their first CCS proposal2 to work part-time on Monero development for 1 month:
For this proposal the focus of work will be on the new wallet API [..] The work is already ongoing since May 2024 [..] This is a “pilot” proposal to see how things work out. [..] Hopefully I will become a long term contributor for general development.
Funding proposed: 2.15 XMR (10-15 hours/week).
ETA: 1 month.
Tasks overview
- [WIP] add functions to wallet API3
- Deprecate wallet2 and replace it with the Seraphis lib (Step 2: CLI and RPC wallets)4
- Add unit_tests for the wallet API, or try to resurrect libwallet_api_tests
SNeedlewoods started contributing to Monero core - specifically to wallet related stuff - earlier this year5.
To read the full proposal, share your feedback, ask questions and support this CCS, consult !5082.
This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.
Update 24/10/16: immediately overfunded (18.64 XMR in 3 contributions) after reaching the funding stage6.
Update 24/12/4: progress report posted, CCS completed7.
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