25 Oct 2021 [art]

sikieg shares simple Monero Twitter headers

sikieg1 has shared2 more Monero-themed Twitter headers3 (1500x500) with the community:

Since everyone liked them, I made some more Monero Twitter headers [..]

His previously created graphics4 have received positive feedback5:

Excellent work! Thanks.

These are excellent u/chaintip

The author has not yet confirmed6 any license for these graphics.

  1. https://libredd.it/user/sikeig 

  2. https://libredd.it/r/Monero/comments/qfes61/since_everyone_liked_them_i_made_some_more_monero/ 

  3. https://imgur.com/a/Hg1LOUK 

  4. https://imgur.com/a/wpxcepH 

  5. https://libredd.it/qe7f78 

  6. https://libredd.it/r/Monero/comments/qe7f78/i_made_some_simple_monero_twitter_headers_1500x500/hhrewef/?context=3