15 May 2023 | Updated 22 May 2023 [calendar] [events]

Seraphis Wallet Workgroup meeting scheduled for 22 May 2023 1800 UTC

The next Seraphis Wallet Workgroup1 meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, May 22 2023 at 18:00 UTC, in the IRC/Libera #no-wallet-left-behind2 channel and the bridged Matrix room3.

Consult the project’s wiki4 page to learn more about Seraphis, Jamtis, and wallet3.

Logs for the previous meeting are available on Monero Observer5.

Update 23/5/20: meeting date/time confirmed6.

Update 23/5/22: meeting logs available7.

  1. https://github.com/seraphis-migration/ 

  2. (IRC/Libera) #no-wallet-left-behind 

  3. (Matrix) https://matrix.to/#/#no-wallet-left-behind:monero.social 

  4. https://github.com/seraphis-migration/strategy/wiki/ 

  5. 230515-seraphis.log 

  6. https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/840 

  7. 230522-seraphis.log