30 Dec 2022 | Updated 3 Jan 2023 [calendar] [events]

Seraphis Wallet Workgroup meeting scheduled for 2 January 2023 1800 UTC

The next Seraphis Wallet Workgroup1 weekly meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, January 2 2023 at 18:00 UTC, in the IRC/Libera #no-wallet-left-behind2 channel and the bridged Matrix room3:

If enough people are around so early in the new year I propose to have a closer look where we currently stand with actual dev work for the Seraphis wallet. (rbrunner7)

More information is available on Github in meta #7744.

Consult the project’s wiki5 page to learn more about Seraphis, Jamtis, and wallet3.

Logs for the previous meeting are available on Monero Observer6.

Update 23/1/2: meeting logs available7.

Update 23/1/3: meeting summary available8.

  1. https://github.com/seraphis-migration/ 

  2. (IRC/Libera) #no-wallet-left-behind 

  3. (Matrix) https://matrix.to/#/#no-wallet-left-behind:monero.social 

  4. https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/774 

  5. https://github.com/seraphis-migration/strategy/wiki/ 

  6. 221219-seraphis.log 

  7. 230102-seraphis.log 

  8. /meeting-log-summary-seraphis-wallet-workgroup-meeting-2-january-2023/