27 Jun 2024 | Updated 28 Jun 2024 [culture]

rottenwheel publishes 'Revuo Monero' Issue #200

rottenwheel1 has published Issue #20023 of the weekly Revuo Monero audience-funded newsletter, which covers June 13-27 2024 news:

Celebrating Revuo’s issue 200 we’ve brought a brand-new image to the website, special thanks to VOSTOEMISIO and gnuteardrops. As well, we’ve created a new XMPP MUC4 and Matrix room5, come hang! [..]

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CCS Proposal Ideas
CCS Proposals Need Funding
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To support Revuo Monero, you can contribute XMR to the address listed in the footer of each issue and on the Support6 page.

It is worth noting that rottenwheel’s Revuo Monero CCS proposal7 was fully funded yesterday.

Suggestions and comments can be sent directly to rotten via email8.

Update: a Revuo fundraiser for ‘code enhancements and rebranding’ is now available on kuno.anne.media9.

  1. https://farside.link/nitter/rottenwheel, https://rottenwheel.com/ 

  2. https://revuo-xmr.com/issue-200.html 

  3. (onion) http://revuo75joezkbeitqmas4ab6spbrkr4vzbhjmeuv75ovrfqfp47mtjid.onion/issue-200.html 

  4. (XMPP MUC) xmpp:revuo-monero@conference.jabbers.one?join 

  5. (Matrix) https://matrix.to/#/#revuo:monero.social 

  6. https://revuo-xmr.com/support/ 

  7. /rottenwheel-submits-ccs-proposal-maintain-revuo-monero-3-months/ 

  8. rotten (at) revuo-xmr (dot) com 

  9. https://kuno.anne.media/fundraiser/kaib/