3 Mar 2022 [culture]

rottenwheel publishes 'Revuo Monero' Issue #110

rottenwheel1 has published Issue #1102 of the weekly Revuo Monero3, which covers February 24-3 March news:

Recent News
Upcoming Events
CCS Proposal Ideas
CCS Proposals Need Funding
Price & Blockchain Stats
Non-Profit of the Week
Volunteer Opportunities


To support Revuo Monero, you can contribute XMR to the address listed in the footer of each issue.

Suggestions and comments can be sent directly to rotten via email5.

  1. https://nitter.net/rottenwheel 

  2. https://revuo-xmr.com/issue-110.html 

  3. https://revuo-xmr.com 

  4. https://fsfe.org/about/about.en.html 

  5. rotten@revuo-xmr.com