24 May 2023 | Updated 25 May 2023 [wallets]

pokkst releases Mysu Wallet v0.4.3 with 'high priority' fixes

pokkst1 has released version 0.4.32 of Mysu Wallet3 with two high priority bug fixes:

This update has a few app-specific bug fixes, mainly UI stuff, but also has two bug fixes for the Monero codebase, one for the recent decoy selection vulnerability disclosed earlier today, and one for a DNS leak that still has an open pull request4

Changes overview

* Fixes for UI when creating multi-output transactions
* Onboarding flow UI changes
* Changed the button to send transactions in send flow to a slider
* HIGH PRIORITY: Implements DNS leak fix [..]
* HIGH PRIORITY: Updates Monero code to [..]

The complete changelog is available on the website5.

To support the project you can donate XMR to the address listed on the website3.

Note that Mysu is still in early development. The project’s Github repository6 is no longer maintained7, as pokkst decided to move the source code to I2P8.

Update: versions and were released with a few minor bug fixes.

  1. (XMPP w/OMEMO) pokkst at xmpp dot is 

  2. https://mysu.dev/download/ 

  3. https://mysu.dev/  2

  4. https://r.nf/13q2mui/ 

  5. https://mynero.net/changelog.txt 

  6. https://github.com/pokkst/monero-wallet/ 

  7. https://github.com/pokkst/monero-wallet/commit/eb070811c9c5ac93d6040758a465cc7037fb117e/ 

  8. (I2P) http://4hsesnr6mjb4qrflgf5gezjaszzoqnnisin7ywzbsv6pgcxysiaq.b32.i2p/pokkst/mynero