7 Oct 2022 | Updated 12 Mar 2023 [CCS]

plowsof submits proposal to work as CCS coordinator for 3 months

plowsof1 has submitted a CCS proposal2 looking to work as Community Relations / CCS Coordinator at full capacity for 3 months:

I voluntarily took on this role for a few weeks (several months ago) and detailed my progress here3. Soon after, I ‘retired’. Since then, i’ve been doing this role at half capacity.

Total funding: 69 XMR.

ETA: 3 months.


Tasks overview

plowsof’s previous contributions include a General Fund donation alert bot (monero-fund-watch4), a popular self-hosted wishlist as a service (WaaS)5, monero-gui-exe6, monerodevs.org7, and a Python script for Monero meeting moderators8.

To read the full proposal, share your feedback, ask questions and support this CCS, consult !3482.

Update 22/10/8: add reference link to ccs-wip-list9.

Update 22/10/11: proposal updated10.

Update 22/10/30: proposal ready for funding11.

Update 22/11/14: proposal fully funded12.

Update 22/12/21: first progress report submitted13.

Update 23/1/30: second progress report submitted14.

Update 23/3/12: final progress report posted15.

  1. https://github.com/plowsof/ 

  2. https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/348  2

  3. https://libredd.it/uj0lyu/ 

  4. https://github.com/plowsof/monero-fund-watch 

  5. https://github.com/plowsof/flipstarter-waas-wip 

  6. https://github.com/plowsof/monero-gui-exe 

  7. /plowsof-completes-first-monero-bounties-project/ 

  8. /plowsof-creates-python-script-monero-meeting-moderators/ 

  9. https://github.com/plowsof/ccs-wip-list 

  10. https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/348/diffs?diff_id=5009&start_sha=bf0b8d28f7410f37215fa5edb6924086dfaa5879 

  11. /plowsof-ccs-coordinator-proposal-ready-funding/ 

  12. /plowsof-ccs-coordinator-proposal-fully-funded/ 

  13. /plowsof-posts-first-ccs-coordinator-progress-report/ 

  14. /plowsof-posts-second-ccs-coordinator-progress-report/ 

  15. /plowsof-posts-final-ccs-coordinator-progress-report/