25 Apr 2022 | Updated 3 May 2022 [services]

Mullvad prepares to finally support XMR payments

Mullvad1 is preparing2 to finally accept XMR payments for their VPN services:

After a few years and multiple people asking for Monero (XMR) support, Mullvad will soon add it to their payment support list.

No release date was announced.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated if/when new information is available.

Update 22/5/3: Mullvad has confirmed support for XMR payments in a blog post announcement3.

  1. https://mullvad.net/en/about/ 

  2. https://libredd.it/ubjeb8/ 

  3. https://mullvad.net/en/blog/2022/5/3/we-now-accept-monero/