30 Jul 2024 [CCS] [wallets]

MrCyjaneK posts fifth progress report for Unnamed Monero Wallet CCS proposal

MrCyjaneK1 has posted a fifth progress report2 for their Unnamed Monero Wallet3 dev work CCS proposal4:

S02E01 (forgot to post on sunday) [..] [monero_c] next week will focus on making it much more stable

Work overview

-started work on c# demo (it works :o)
-xmruw app got some minor changes and dependencies bump
-[monero_c] got major fixes regarding missing functions
-[monero_c] add aarch64 CI from buildjet to speedup checks
-[monero_c] prepare monero_c for release [..]

Consult the previous Monero Observer report5 to learn more about MrCyjaneK’s CCS proposal.