20 Nov 2021 [community]

noot, Articmine, aFungible, Crypt0-bear and Elias join Douglas & Sunita on 40th Monerotopia episode

noot1, articmine2, aFungible3, Crypt0-bear4 and Elias5 have joined Douglas6 & Sunita7 on the 40th episode8 of his Monerotopia9 show.

Main topics

  1. https://github.com/noot 

  2. https://libredd.it/user/ArticMine 

  3. https://libredd.it/user/aFungible 

  4. https://nitter.net/Crypt0_bear 

  5. [TBD] 

  6. https://nitter.net/DouglasTuman 

  7. https://nitter.net/sunchakr 

  8. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Glwz9PcTTRE&t=576s 

  9. https://nitter.net/monerotopia 

  10. /monero-community-interested-elizabeth-xmr-eth-atomic-swap-prototype/