9 Aug 2022 [culture]

Monero Talk interviews Viktor Vecsei of IVPN

In this Monero Talk episode12, Douglas Tuman3 interviews IVPN4 Head of Communications, Viktor Vecsei5, on the importance of trust, transparency and audibility:

[..] I have Monero and I would be willing to spend it, I don’t wanna hold all of it for 5 years, but the options are somewhat limited .. (Viktor @ 54:35)

Several topics are discussed in this interview, including VPNs and liberty, the value of privacy, the EFF6, the importance of auditability and Monero adoption.

Note that IVPN is currently a sponsor of the Monero Talk show.

  1. https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/viktor-vecsei-of-ivpn-the-importance-of (video) 

  2. https://www.monerotalk.live/viktor-vecsei-of-ivpn-the-importance-of-trust-transparency-audibility (audio) 

  3. https://nitter.net/DouglasTuman 

  4. https://ivpn.net 

  5. https://nitter.net/vonthedock 

  6. https://eff.org/