8 Oct 2022 [culture]

Monero Talk interviews Bitcoin Argentina NGO co-founder Franco Amati

In this Monero Talk episode12, Douglas Tuman3 interviews Bitcoin Argentina NGO4 co-founder and member of LABITCONF5, Franco Amati6, on bypassing totalitarian monetary regulations with crypto:

[..] I believe the governments will try to ‘persecute’ or stop Monero in some way (Franco @ 25:20)

Several other topics are also discussed in this interview, including inflation and presidential elections in Argentina, LABITCONF 2022, Monero and Bitcoin.

  1. https://redirect.invidious.io/K82x-Ddd5_c/ (video) 

  2. https://www.monerotalk.live/bypassing-totalitarian-monetary-regulations-with-crypto-franco-amati (audio) 

  3. https://nitter.net/DouglasTuman/ 

  4. https://bitcoinargentina.org/ 

  5. https://labitconf.com/ 

  6. https://nitter.net/franamati/