1 Jul 2022 [culture]

Monero Talk interviews Bruce Fenton and Starr O'Hara at PorcFest 2022

In this Monero Talk episode12, Douglas Tuman3 interviews US Senate candidate Bruce Fenton4 and How to Survive Dystopia5 author Starr O’Hara6 at PorcFest 20227:

[..] I could take out a megaphone and I could read off a private key and you could accept it: are we transmitting money? you know that is speech (Bruce @ 8:45)

[..] people have to develop the courage [..] to use these technologies [..] I don’t see many people getting there until they reach the crisis point of suffering (Starr @ 32:10)

Several topics are covered in these interviews, such as: Monero and Bitcoin, privacy rights, freedom, tyranny and dystopia.

  1. https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/porcfest-2022-bruce-fenton-and-starr (video) 

  2. https://www.monerotalk.live/porcfest-2022-bruce-fenton-and-starr-ohara (audio) 

  3. https://nitter.net/DouglasTuman 

  4. https://nitter.net/brucefenton 

  5. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B4DP3VPR/ 

  6. https://nitter.net/Technate2051 

  7. https://porcfest.com/