13 Sep 2024 [culture]

ArticMine dissects recently 'leaked' 2023 Chainalysis video in Monero Talk interview

Monero Core’s Francisco ArticMine Cabañas1 joined Douglas Tuman2 for a new Monero Talk interview3 to discuss Monero’s traceability and scalability in the context of the recently leaked4 and apparently heavily censored5 Chainalysis XMR presentation video to the IRS from 20236:

[..] this [Chainalysis] slide is where you prove the critical importance of FCMPs [..] because of the potential of innocent people being falsely accused. And that’s where blockchain surveillance really gets into trouble. (Francisco @ 1:27:30)

Key points overview

* use own local node
* use 'official' wallets (Monero GUI/CLI)
* use standard tx fees
* avoid mobile phones
* avoid proprietary systems (use GNU/Linux)

Several other topics were also discussed in this interview, including open source blockchain surveillance tools, sustainable PoW, Monero adoption and XMRBazaar7, and the importance of scalability for Monero’s privacy.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

  1. https://farside.link/libreddit/user/ArticMine/ 

  2. https://farside.link/nitter/DouglasTuman/ 

  3. https://redirect.invidious.io/VJysnTpj048/ 

  4. https://farside.link/libreddit/r/Monero/comments/1f8jv6w/tracing_monero_via_malicious_nodes/, https://www.digilol.net/blog/chainanalysis-malicious-xmr.html 

  5. https://libera.monerologs.net/monero/20240913#c429084, https://archive.org/details/chainalysis_XMR 

  6. https://farside.link/nitter/tuxpizza/status/1832073169978487057, [mirror] https://libera.monerologs.net/monero/20240913#c429284 

  7. https://xmrbazaar.com/