4 Apr 2023 | Updated 10 Apr 2023 [dev] [wallets]

Monero v0.18.2.2 'Fluorine Fermi' tagged

The official Monero v0.18.2.2 Fluorine Fermi has been tagged (CLI1/GUI2) and the release binaries should be out soon.

Release highlights

- Daemon: add a size limit for `tx_extra` in tx pool
- Daemon: avoid log entries when re-blocking a subnet
- Daemon: fix deadlock and crash when syncing with full dataset on Window
- Daemon: don't drop peers for soft offenses
- Wallet: fix infinite loop in fake out selection
- Wallet: add Ledger Stax support
- Add support for Ledger Stax
- Update p2pool to v3.2
- Minor bug fixes and UI improvements

Note that this point release will add a size limit for tx_extra in the transaction pool. The previous version ( was delayed due to a few bugs that needed patching3.

Contributors are encouraged to share the results of their deterministic build processes4 by making a pull request to the monero-project/gitian.sigs5 repository.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

Update: v0.18.2.2 released6.