26 Feb 2022 | Updated 27 Mar 2022 [CCS] [meta]

Monero Observer Spring 2022 CCS proposal ready for community review

The Monero Observer CCS proposal1 for Spring 2022 is ready for community review:

I will continue to maintain Monero Observer (https://monero.observer) for the next 3 months (spring 2022): March, April and May.

MO is turning 6 (months old) and the community is stronger than ever: during the past couple of months there has been a refreshing surge in readers and I absolutely love it.

I am determined to continue reporting on everything interesting that happens in the Monero world, regardless of internal/external pressure and interests. No one can intimidate anonymous.

Thank you all for your valuable suggestions and amazing support! Stay cypherpunk.


PS: Springtime will bring some useful add-ons to the project. Announcement soon.

Update 22/3/14: moved to funding2.

Update 22/3/27: fully funded.