Monero Observer Blitz #2 - September 2021

Here’s a recap of what happened this September in the Monero community:
- COMIT released v0.8.2 & v0.8.3 of their XMR-BTC atomic swap tool (1,2)
- Haveno devs have finalized the trade protocol and launched a Bounty Program (3)
- Monero devs released Oxygen Orion Point Release 2.3 which addressed the decoy selection bug (4)
- pluja deployed a new version of KYCNOT.ME with an improved interface and intelligent features (5)
- Douglas Tuman discussed Monero with Nomad Capitalist’s founder Andrew Henderson on Monero Talk (6)
- OpenBazaar devs were looking to potentially integrate Monero in upcoming v3.0 (7)
- AnonCoj XMR classified ads marketplace opened up (8)
- jonjonbonbonbonbon shared a short Monero poem with the crypto community (9)
- Monero contributor mjxmr submitted his August 2021 dev report (10)
- xmrSale CCS proposal to develop a payment processor has been fully funded (11)
- Kevin Wad started a new video channel dedicated to Monero (12)
- Monerujo Vertant (v2.1.0 & v2.1.1) update was released (13,14)
- Seth published a p2pool decentralized Monero mining guide (15)
- XMR.Radio started broadcasting Monero’s block height every hour (16)
- Coincards reported XMR was #3 most used crypto on their platform in August 2021 (17)
- Monerujo deployed their own transparent Funding Site (18)
- XMR-Bets Monero lottery was looking for community feedback (19)
- MargotilianArt was selling custom graphite portraits for XMR (20)
- Monerado XMR mining pool stats app v1.0.0 was released (21)
- Monero Talk interviewed p2pool dev Sergei Chernykh aka sech1 (22)
- Douglas Tuman’s CCS proposal was fully funded (23)
- The Monero Community Workgroup held a meeting on 18 September 2021 (24)
- rottenwheel won XMR.Radio’s CTF hunt (25)
- garrylachman released the alpha of XMRig Made Easy (26)
- An internal audit uncovered a critical encryption vulnerability in multiple Matrix clients (27)
- There were 3 Monero Research Lab meetings this month (28,29,30)
- Odysee proposed BTC tipping but users demanded Monero instead (31)
- Anonymous onion site started selling Posteo email vouchers for XMR (32)
- Cake Wallet released v4.2.7 (33)
- Monero reached the frontpage of Hacker News with Benjamin Kaiser’s Why Monero blog post (34)
- Bitfinex listed XMR-PERP Monero futures contract (35)
- Monero community Triptych vs Seraphis/Lelantus Spark discussions heated up (36)
- Justin Berman published 2 CCS progress reports (37,38)
- Monero Talk interviewed humans rights advocate Chris Sky (39)
- LocalMonero’s co-founder Alex was interviewed by Seth on his Opt Out Podcast (40)
- Hammermann09 proposed a website redesign concept (41)
- p2pool decentralized Monero mining pool v1.0 was released on mainnet (42)
- Crypt0-bear released Monero Party music video and published an updated Awesome Monero resource list (43,44)
- fluffypony was released from US custody (45)
- Feather Wallet devs released Beta-9 (46)
- lead dev submitted a CCS proposal to integrate XMR payments (47)
- w1ck3dAF has challenged the Monero community to a small stakes poker game on (48)
- Eercury was looking to sell his silver and copper coins for XMR (49)
- Bl5ckj5ck submitted a CCS proposal to translate Mastering Monero to Italian (50)
- Justin Ehrenhofer hosted a Monero Meet livestream on the Monero Space video channel (51)
- Monero Talk discussed crypto regulations and Monero in an interview with Wesley Thysse (52)
- knifetobutter was looking to pay an artist in XMR to create a K-POP song (53)
- Monero Observer CCS proposal was fully funded (54)
- Monero researchers published a forensic statistical analysis report of the recent Monero transaction volume anomaly (55)
- Sparrow Messenger PoC was met with skepticism by the Monero community (56)
- Club Monero has added brand new Monero apparel to their shop (57)
- JEhrenhofer shared a XMR acceptance request template for contacting BTC merchants (58)
- New Monero Bounties project was launched in order to complement the existing CCS funding system (59)
- Nick Bax demonstrated how XMR transactions related to WannaCry 2.0 were traced (60)
- Rucknium submitted a sensitive CCS proposal aiming to fortify Monero against statistical attacks (61)
- aliraheem created a Monero acrylic painting (62)
- janostrowka was looking to sell a Mellow Board Surfer for XMR (63)
- Crypto ATM producer Lamassu confirmed upcoming XMR support with Forsaken Fiat v7.6 update (64)
- The Monero Community Workgroup video channel was bridged to Odysee (65)
- Douglas Tuman interviewed cryptographers Aram Jivanyan and Sarang Noether about Lelantus Spark paper (66)
My contributions:
- started publishing weekly Monero Observer XMR TA reports: Week 36/37/38 (67)
- created a few guides on GPG encryption and RSS feeds (68,69,70)
- added a Changelog page where you can find other changes (71)
That’s it for the 2nd Monero Observer Blitz.
In this edition I have included reference links/sources for each item, after getting some feedback.
Let me know if this was helpful to you and thanks for reading!
PS: I still <3 all feedback @ /about