26 Feb 2022 [art]

Monero Observer Artistic Saturday Top 5 - Week 8, 2022

This is the 5th Artistic Saturday weekly MO report. You can find previous reports in the [art]1 section.

5 - [No comment] (by chiness2)

Monero Dollar

4 - Monerica (by RyitNoise3)


Monerochan fortune cookie

2 - Orange Monero Cat (by mcatsnft5)

Orange Monero Cat

1 - “Don’t marry your bags” (by monerochanartfund6)

Don't marry your bags

That’s it for this week’s Artistic Saturday.

Let me know if you enjoyed this edition and send me your art suggestions @/about.


  1. /tag/art 

  2. https://xmrmemes.com/meme/1355 

  3. https://nitter.net/RyitNoise/status/1496947606810857477#m 

  4. https://monero.graphics/all/monero-fortune-cookie/ 

  5. https://nitter.net/mcatsnft/status/1495449199458111489#m 

  6. https://www.monerochan.art/thumbnails/weddingdress_thumbnail.jpg