12 Jul 2024 [services]

Monero dominates 'Europe's biggest Bitcoin store' ShopinBit in June 2024

Monero was the most used cryptocurrency on ShopinBit1 - Europe’s biggest Bitcoin store - in June 2024, according to a usage report2 that was published earlier today:

What has happened here?? Our stats for June are here and the results are, well, see for yourself

#Monero: 74.54% (+43.52%)
#Bitcoin: 23.64% (-45.2%)
#LightningNetwork: 1.73% (+1.6%)
FIAT: 0.08% (+0.06%)

XMR volume more than doubled (from 31.02%) since the previous report (May 2024)3.

It is worth noting that XMR also managed to flip BTC for the first time ever on Coincards last month, as recently reported4.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

  1. https://shopinbit.com/ 

  2. https://farside.link/nitter/shopinbit/status/1811651225005195471 

  3. https://farside.link/nitter/shopinbit/status/1805505009196343499 

  4. /xmr-most-used-crypto-coincards-june-2024/